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Sandra Matthews’ artwork on exhibit

Artwork by the Northampton photographer Sandra Matthews will be on view March 5-April 6 at the Amy H. Carberry Fine Arts Gallery, located in B28, on the campus of Springfield Technical Community College.

A meet and greet reception for the photographer will be on April 2, 9:45 a.m.-11:15 a.m. The gallery is open to the public and there is no charge to view the exhibitions.

On March 7, an ArtSalon will take place in the gallery at 6:30 p.m. Together with four other artists, Matthews will show slides and speak briefly about her work at 7 p.m. There is a $5-$10 sliding scale admission fee for this event. Free admission for all STCC students.

Matthews will display work from her series “Present Moment,” which includes photographs of family members, friends and acquaintances made over intervals of time and combined to make  composite portraits. Some of these complex portraits incorporate backdrops of collaged newspaper contemporary to the time the photograph was made.

Matthews said, “I am interested in how humans register the passage of time, and in the connections between ‘private life’ and ‘history.’”

Matthews, associate professor emerita of film and photography, is a graduate of Harvard University and the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her photographic work is represented in collections including the Smith College Art Museum; the Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; the Block Museum of Art, Chicago; the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University; the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; and the Women In Photography International Archive at Yale University.  In 2010 she founded, and currently edits, the Trans-Asia Photography Review (tapreview.org), an online scholarly journal published by Hampshire College and devoted to the discussion of historical and contemporary photography from all regions of Asia.

The exhibition is supported in part by the School of Liberal and Professional Studies.

About the Gallery

The Amy H. Carberry Fine Arts Gallery at Springfield Technical Community College presents six exhibits each academic year, featuring works by artists of local and national repute as well as STCC student work. The gallery is located in Building 28, first floor, on the Pearl Street side of the STCC campus. The gallery is supported in part by funding from the School of Liberal and Professional Studies. Find the Amy H. Carberry Fine Arts Gallery on Facebook or follow on Twitter @STCCArtGallery. Free parking available immediately behind B28 in K lot accessed via Pearl Street gate.

Gallery Hours during exhibition: Tuesday through Friday, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment.

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ulster late start classes