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Sage is compliant with ‘Enough Is Enough’

The Sage Colleges meets or exceeds all requirements necessary to be considered compliant with New York state’s 129-B Enough is Enough (EIE) law according to an audit of policies and procedures around campus sexual assault conducted by the New York State Office of Campus Safety.

In the review of 240 colleges and universities, Sage was among 95 schools found to meet or exceed all requirements to be compliant with EIE; 120 schools were identified as “significantly compliant, but presented concerns” and 29 institutions were found to be “non-compliant.”

“New York state continues to have the strongest campus sexual assault laws in place and Sage scored in the top tier,” said Dishpaul S. Dhuga, J.D., Sage’s Title IX coordinator. “Sage will continue its proactive efforts to educate the campus community about preventing sexual violence and creating the safest environment possible.”

A press release from New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo noted that compliant schools “are demonstrating innovative approaches to protecting students, including: linking law enforcement, campus administration, and victim services to better serve victims of Sexual Assault, as well as using technology to provide informational resources to students and direct access to assistance when necessary.”

At Sage, these approaches include handheld electronic devices that can alert security at the touch of a button for all students; comprehensive training for students and employees about federal Title IX law, the EIE law, Sage’s reporting procedures, dating violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, stalking, consent, bystander intervention and related topics; training college employees regarding reporting obligations and training faculty and staff regarding best practices in trauma informed care.

Sage collaborates with law enforcement, mental health agencies and victim advocacy centers to offer trainings and community awareness events, said Dhuga. Additionally, legal and victim advocacy agencies offer on-campus service hours, and materials promoting campus and community resources are widely distributed and prominently posted.

“We commend New York state for its leadership in addressing sexual assault on campuses and we are committed to continuing to work with our community, government and higher education colleagues to keep campus safety a priority,” said Christopher Ames, president of The Sage Colleges.

The full report from the New York State Office of Campus Safety is available here.

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