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ulster late start classes

Women’s self-defense course at Rockland

Women whose safety is endangered should know how to protect themselves if such a situation arises. Rockland Community College offers a women's self-defense course to help women take control when confronted with immediate physical threats.

The 12-hour Basic course is offered in four sessions, beginning on August 6 and concluding on August 15. The 3-hour Advanced course, a stand-alone program, takes place on August 20. Training includes awareness, prevention, risk reduction, avoidance and hands-on self-defense. Courses are taught by certified R.A.D. (Rape, Aggression, Defense) instructors. The program is free for students who are currently registered at RCC and RCC staff.  The fee is $20 for the general public.

“The purpose is to provide women with the opportunity to learn self-defense or brush up on techniques, or to complement what they have learned if they have taken any kind of self-defense program,” said Officer Avigail Serwatien of RCC Public Safety, who serves as a course instructor along with Sgt. Carl Jenkins also of RCC Public Safety. “Women should always have the right and the ability to know how to protect themselves, without the reliance on others.”

Classes are held in the RCC Fieldhouse, Room 5211. The class schedule is as follows:

Basic Class: 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Monday, August 6

Wednesday, August 8

Monday, August 13

Wednesday, August 15

Advanced Class: 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Monday, August 20

Attendance at all sessions is required. Participants must have completed all the basic classes to be eligible to attend the advanced class. Female-identified participants are welcome. The course is beginning its fourth year and is held about six times per year.

Downloadable Registration Form (PDF)

For more information, contact the R.A.D. Instructors:

Officer Serwatien, aserwatien@sunyrockland.edu; Sgt. Jenkins, cjenkins@sunyrockland.edu

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NYPD recruiting

ulster late start classes