ulster late start classes

Security guard training at RCC

Rockland Community College is offering security guard training courses that meet New York State requirements for both qualifying and maintenance standards for the profession. All courses are taught by certified instructors at RCC, a New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) certified security guard training school.

8-Hour Pre-Assignment Training for Security Guards

This is an eight-hour course required by New York State as the first step in obtaining a security guard registration card from the New York State Department of State. The course provides an overview of the duties and responsibilities of a security guard. Topics covered in the course include: the role of the security guard; legal powers and limitations; emergency situations; communications and public relations; access control; and ethics and conduct. The passing of an examination is mandatory for successful completion of the course.

DATES: Thursdays, September 6; October 11, November 15; December 13

TIME: 9 am - 5 pm

FEE: $75


LOCATION: RCC Fieldhouse, Room 5211

8-Hour Annual In-Service

This is an eight-hour course that must be completed within 12 calendar months from completion of the 16-Hour On-the-Job Training Course for Security Guards, and annually thereafter. The course is structured to provide updated and enhanced information on the duties and responsibilities of a security guard, and comprises eight topics – six mandated and two elective.

DATES/TIMES: Fridays, September 7; October 12; November 16; December 14, 8 am - 4 pm

Saturdays, September 8; October 13, November 17; December 15, 9 am - 5 pm

FEE: $75


LOCATION: RCC Fieldhouse, Room 5211

16-Hour On-the-Job Training for Security Guards

This is a 16-hour course that must be completed within 90 days of employment as a security guard. The course provides detailed information on the duties and responsibilities of a security guard. Topics covered in the course include: the role of the security guard; legal powers and limitations; emergency situations; communications and public relations; access control; ethics and conduct; incident command system; and terrorism. The passing of an examination is compulsory for successful completion of the course.


FEE: $100


LOCATION: RCC Fieldhouse, Room 5211

For more information on these programs, call 845-578-4781 or e-mail Matthew Tindall at mtindall@sunyrockland.edu. To register, go to RCC Workforce Development’s Security Guard Training Courses.

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ulster late start classes