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Campus News to add 21 news boxes in NYC

If we can make it there, we can make it anywhere!

Campus News has been approved by the Department of Transportation to add 21 street newspaper honor boxes in New York City, near two-year colleges, to further expand our audience reach.

This comes at a time when many newspaper companies are calling it quits, and pulling their boxes from the streets, or abandoning them. Thus cities like New York have stringent policies when it comes to news boxes, and Campus News worked hard over the summer to gain the necessary permits. As far as we can tell, Campus News is the only college paper in the City to hit the streets with honor boxes.

Now Campus News is ordering 21 new boxes of various colors with Campus News logos to be placed in their designated locations in four of the five boroughs (sorry Staten Island) by October. Each box is expected to deliver 200 papers, free of charge, to interested readers each month.

Campus News is already regularly delivered to 37 community colleges in the Northeast. If the New York City program proves efficient, the paper may make the City route a separate entity with different advertisers and stories. Perhaps the paper can hire a part-time “City Editor.” Interested?

For community colleges that have an official student newspaper and would also like to be on the street, Campus News can order double-newspaper boxes so that both papers can co-exist and increase their reaches.

Contact boxes@cccn.us to get involved with any of the above.

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