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ulster late start classes

Looking to take a course between semesters? Earn up to 4 Wintersession credits at RCC!

Students can earn up to four college credits in just three weeks during Wintersession at Rockland Community College. Registration began November 16 for the session, which runs from January 2 – 18, 2019.

More than 40 courses in almost 15 subject areas* are available, including online options. Classes are open to the public as well as RCC students, making it ideal for students attending college out of the area but home for the break between semesters.

Credits transfer to four-year colleges, in most cases. Students enrolled at four-year colleges should check with their institution to ensure that they accept RCC Wintersession credits. The cost per credit at RCC is an affordable $199 for New York State residents and $398 for out of state.

For further information, go to www.sunyrockland.edu/go/wintersession or contact RCC Records and Registration at records@sunyrockland.edu. Prospective students can also contact RCC Academic Affairs at 845-574-4308 to request a detailed course description or Learning Activity Proposal (LAP).

*Subject areas may include: art, business, economics, English, exercise and human performance, history, math, multicultural studies, music, occupational therapy, paralegal, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and speech.

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ulster late start classes