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SUNY, CUNY and other student leaders issue joint statement at DC summit

Student leaders from system-wide Student Government Associations across the country are joining efforts, for the second time, to advocate on behalf of over 4 million students from New York, California and Florida. Leadership from the SUNY Student Assembly (SUNYSA), Cal State Student Association (CSSA), University of California Student Association (UCSA), the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC), City University of New York University Student Senate (CUNY USS) and the Florida Student Association (FSA) to will travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with members of the legislature and the Department of Education to discuss initiatives regarding college affordability, campus safety and issues in student justice.

President Michael Braun of the SUNY Student Assembly and Student Trustee on the SUNY Board of Trustees states: “Quality, affordable, accessible higher education is not a one student, one system, or one state issue—it is a national issue with wide-reaching implications for our students, young people, and the economy as a whole. Our time is now to ensure that the next generation of students can pursue the education that they need to succeed in the economy of tomorrow.”

“Our nation is experiencing a higher education renaissance. Issues such as affordability, disproportionate gaps in achievement, and student well-being are no longer isolated and emerging, they are expansive and consequential. To be a part of this union of statewide student leaders representing millions of students means that we are united in our resolve to secure relief for students and preserve the promise of a prosperous nation of tomorrow--of which thriving U.S. public higher education systems can be counted on to advance,” states Mia Kagianas, President of the Cal State Student Association.

"Equal access to higher education is a necessity which is why we are proud to  join forces with  student leaders across the country. The University of California Student Association (UCSA) which represents 240,000 students looks forward to bringing the concerns of University of California students to Washington. There are far too many issues in higher education for us to not step up," says Caroline Siegel-Singh, President of the University of California Student Association.

Harris Khan, Chairperson of the CUNY University Student Senate states: “Diversity is at the cornerstone of America’s success both at home and abroad, and accessibility to higher education is one of the only clear pathways made to achieving the American Dream for the millions of students attending public colleges and universities like ours across the country. The majority of CUNY students come from low-income and immigrant families and are the embodiment of hope spanning generations upon generations, each one doing what it can to bring its prosperity closer to achieving that dream, one that at times feels wholly unattainable. Keeping this hope in mind, the duly elected student leaders from the City University of New York, gathered for this trip, charge the nation’s leadership to invest in public higher education and in the great promise of America, in order to ensure that access to an affordable and excellent higher education is afforded to the very people who have continuously propelled this nation forward throughout time.”

"I feel incredibly honored that the Florida Student Association gets to collaborate with student leaders from two of the most powerful states in the nation. Making higher education affordable and accessible is crucial to the future of our nation. I am looking forward to bringing key issues that students face to national attention and sparking these critical conversations. Florida, New York and California's student associations coming together as a unified voice for students is paramount in higher education advocacy," said Jalisa White, Florida Student Association Chair.

The student leaders are ignited by previous success in their advocacy efforts to continue to work on behalf of millions of students to ensure an affordable and high quality education.

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