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Suffolk to hold two separate graduation ceremonies

Suffolk County Community College will graduate 4,054 (3,956 degrees and 98 certificates) students at two ceremonies -- the college’s 57th commencement -- on Thursday May 23, 2019 at the Health Sports and Education Center on the Michael J. Grant Campus in Brentwood. Ceremonies are at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The college scheduled two ceremonies to accommodate more students’ families and guests.

The ceremonies will be live streamed from the college’s website (www.sunysuffolk.edu) and via Facebook Live (www.facebook.com/SUNYSFLK) and feature student speakers from each of the college’s three campuses.

About Student Speakers

Joseph Adelmann is a Radio & Television Production major from Huntington with a 4.0 grade point average. Joe has earned Dean’s List recognition every semester for the last two years and served as Program Director of the college’s internet radio station and as a crew member for the live remote broadcast of the NJCAA Division III Basketball Tournament. Joe transferred to Hofstra University in spring 2019.

Maria Andrade is a Business Administration major with a 4.0 grade point average and has earned Dean’s List recognition for the last two semesters. Maria served as president of the Business and Accounting Club and is a member of the Financial Committee, Phi Theta Kappa and Pi Alpha Sigma. Maria transferred to Pace University on a New York State Presidential Transfer Scholarship in spring 2019.

Natalia Fernandez of East Hampton is recognized as a mentor and campus leader. Natalia was president of the Eastern Campus SGA for the past two years and recently served as a delegate to the LatinX Leads International Conference in New York City, and received scholarship support to attend both the League of United Latin American Citizens and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C.

Shannon Mellas of Greenport is a Liberal Arts General Studies Honors major with a 4.0 grade point average is a member of Pi Alpha Sigma, Phi Theta Kappa and a contributing writer for the East End Elements, the Eastern Campus literary magazine. Shannon is transferring to Adelphi University on a Stay on Long Island Scholarship to study English.

Jacobe Nall of Lindenhurst is a liberal arts general studies major who honorably served for four years in the United States Army before becoming a student in 2016. His leadership activities include Peer Mentor, Campus Activities Board, president of Sharks Night Club, and president of Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society for nontraditional students. He is member of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society and Salute, the veterans national honor society. He has helped keep the Michael J. Grant Campus safe as a community service officer and is a star bench player of the lacrosse team when he is not playing defense. Jacobe is transferring to SUNY Farmingdale as an applied psychology major.

Chioma Oghenekome is a Liberal Arts General Studies major from Lindenhurst with a 3.8 grade point average. She has earned Dean’s List recognition every semester during the last two years. Chioma serves as a Peer Mentor, vice president of Services for Phi Theta Kappa, and college committee director for the Student Government Association. A recent recipient of the Harvey Lincoln Student Scholarship, Chioma is transferring to Adelphi University to pursue a nursing degree.

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ulster late start classes