Rockland Community College recently received two prestigious recognitions for its Nursing Program., a website that compiles nursing education and career information data, ranked RCC’s program as second out of 153 New York State Board of Nursing approved schools to pursue an associate degree program in nursing. In addition,, a nursing advocacy organization, released its annual list of the 2020 Best RN programs and ranked the Rockland Community College nursing program sixth out of 101 in New York State.
Pictured: Takara Hancock, a 2015 Rockland Community College Nursing Graduate.
The school’s accredited ADN program prepares nurses to meet the needs of the community and incorporates philosophical beliefs, scientific discipline, and concepts from nursing research to prepare nurses for careers in the ever-changing healthcare system.

"We have always been very proud of our Nursing Program here at RCC,” says Susan Deer, PhD, RCC Provost/Executive Vice President. “Receiving a ranking of second by and sixth by the NYS Nursing Registry, out of a pool of 101 2-year and 4-year colleges across New York State, reinforces the quality of our program, the wonderful hard work by our faculty, and the dedication of the students we serve."
“These high ratings are yet another validation that the RCC philosophy of working with Rockland County health care leaders to develop programs that get students out of the classroom and into well-paying jobs,” says RCC President Dr. Michael Baston. “We listen to find out what specific skills and backgrounds are needed and then offer students good educational options that lead them to workforce opportunities within our regional medical systems.”
The nursing programs were assessed on several factors which represent how well a program supports students towards licensure and beyond. The judges analyzed past and present first time NCLEX-RN “pass-rates” weighted by year to rank the schools.
"There are so many nursing schools but by far Rockland Community College is the best choice for a nursing program. The flexibility, tuition, great NCLEX passing rates, and all of the amazing faculty made it my number one choice for enrolling at RCC,” stated Dionne McHayle, a 2004 graduate of RCC's Nursing Program. “In 2018, I proudly became a clinical instructor at RCC, the same nursing program I attended. This was a dream come true, to be able to give back to RCC and make a positive difference in the education of our future nurses. I fondly recall in 1992 learning how to give a patient a bed bath, how to make a bed, how to administer medications and so much more, and now I am able to play it forward by teaching nursing students these same skills. I must say I could not be prouder to be a part of the RCC College Nursing Team!"
“I graduated from RCC's nursing program in 2015. The pin I wore at my graduation said, ‘She believed she could, so she did.’ I believed I could because I had amazing, knowledgeable, and supportive teachers. I am eternally grateful for RCC's Nursing Program and because of this wonderful program, I am able to care for others in times of need. Today more than ever we need nursing programs that not only have knowledgeable teachers but can also support students to be successful and this is RCC's Nursing Program,” states Takara Hancock, 2015 RCC Nursing Graduate.
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