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SUNY Mascot Madness returns

Rip Van Winkle, mascot for Columbia-Greene Community College (pictured), returns to competition on Tuesday, March 16 to defend his SUNY Mascot Madness title.

Rip Van Winkle was the first community college mascot to ever win the top spot in SUNY Mascot Madness 2019, defeating Walter T. Wildcat of SUNY Polytechnic Institute in the final round. The competition took a hiatus in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and now returns for its eighth year.

The tournament will begin Tuesday at 12 p.m., with five rounds of bracket-style competition planned:

Round 1 = March 16-19

Round 2 = March 22-24

Round 3 = March 25-29

Round 4 = March 31-April 2

Finals = April 5-7

Voting will take place online as has occurred each year in this tournament, and the link will be available on Tuesday at SUNY.edu. Users will need to verify with an email address to count the votes. In the last two rounds of the tournament, social media votes are incorporated into the contest.

Rip leads C-GCC’s athletic teams, the Twins, and serves as a symbol of the twin counties of Columbia and Greene, and the Catskill mountain range that connects them. His legend began with a short story written in 1819 by Washington Irving, in which he fell into an enchanted sleep for 20 years, after playing a game of nine-pin with the ghosts of Captain Henry Hudson.

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