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New trustees added to the C-GCC board

Doreen Davis and Kelly Konsul, both of Catskill, have been appointed to the Columbia-Greene Community College Board of Trustees.

A former Town of Catskill Supervisor and retired pharmaceutical executive, Davis brings extensive leadership experience to her two-year term, including establishing strategic development policies.

“It is a position in which I hope I can contribute to the wonderful accomplishments made at every level of the College,” said Davis. “Education was a huge contributor to my family’s ability to achieve their lifetime goals, and the importance of community college in today’s rapidly evolving landscape becomes more evident every day.”

Konsul, whose term extends to 2027, began her career in education working for Miller Middle School in Lake Katrine, N.Y. Since 2007, she has served as a school counselor at Catskill Senior High School, and has numerous certifications including Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and SAVE (Safe Schools Against Violence in Education).

“Volunteering in my community has always been important to me and I am honored to be appointed to the C-GCC Board of Trustees,” said Konsul. “As a school counselor, I work with high school students as they develop their post-high-school plans. I believe this perspective will be valuable to the Board of Trustees and the administration of C-GCC. I hope to be able to share my insights with leadership to affect the future growth of the College.”

Ned Schneier, Ph.D., Chairman of the C-GCC Board of Trustees, said he believes both appointments will bring new energy to the Board.

“Doreen fills a vacancy with an incredible resume and familiarity with the College, through her many years organizing and supporting our annual gala,” he said. “Kelly gives us hands-on experience in our continuing attempts to improve our student outreach. I could not be happier with these two new appointments.”

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