Photo Caption: From left to right, Director of Career Success and Experiential Learning Kelly Ann Radzik, Associate Professor of Psychology and Sociology Barbie Shaffer, and Senior Associate for Human Resources and Business Kimberly Rhinehart-Rizzi have been awarded 2021 Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence by the State University of New York (SUNY).
Three Columbia-Greene Community College staffers have been awarded 2021 Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence by the State University of New York (SUNY).
Pictured (L-R):

Kelly Ann Radzik of New Paltz, director of Career Success and Experiential Learning, received the Chancellor’s Award for Professional Service, awarded for consistently superior professional achievement within and outside an individual's given position.
Barbie Shaffer of Nassau, associate professor of Psychology and Sociology, received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, awarded to SUNY faculty members who demonstrate consistently superior service that includes contributions to academic and professional organizations, and leadership in local or system-wide faculty governance.
Kimberly Rhinehart-Rizzi of Catskill, senior associate for Human Resources and Business, received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service, awarded for continuous, outstanding achievement, skill, and commitment to excellence.
The Chancellor's Awards for Excellence are conferred to acknowledge and provide system-wide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement in five categories: Faculty Service, Librarianship, Professional Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, and Teaching. For more information, visit
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