By Darren Johnson
Campus News
Bergen Community College (NJ) was a place where we used to distribute copies of Campus News – and we probably will again very soon – but the pandemic happened and that campus was completely shuttered, so we had to ditch it.
Whenever we’d venture onto the campus’s main group of three-story buildings, the place was full of life, with scores of students flitting everywhere, and lots of soft seating. So it must have been jarring for these students to lose their home away from home.

As part of the @NJCommColleges photo series earlier this year on social media, BCC professor of photography Ellen Denuto a talented practitioner of her art, wandered onto the barren campus and took scores of eerie photos of the once vibrant place. Find her work on Instagram @ellendenutophoto.
“These images were taken as part of my Covid diary documenting the beauty and sadness of being in isolation,” she said. “There is a poignant beauty in the silence and solitude of the ever changing light.
“The uncertainty, loneliness and helplessness of what the world is now witnessing cannot be escaped, and in our isolation we are forced to look inward – after the hating, and longing there is ultimately forgiveness for our fragility and being human.”
Here are some photos she shared with Campus News, with the artist’s reflection (CLICK TO EXPAND):
“Before the World Stood Still” – “The view outside of the darkroom as I wished my students well as they were leaving for spring break. We did not realize that would be their last photography class.”
“Covid Corridor” – “After school had been closed, I was able to get permission to return and retrieve my student’s things left behind in the classroom closet. This is one of the eerily vacant hallways at the college.”
“Delayed Opening” – “A new mall had been built at the end of 2019 however the independently operated venues went out of business before even opening due to Covid restrictions.”
“Waiting to be Dressed” – “This is a favorite spot for students to take photographs, learning about shape, form, reflections. It was one of the last places we visited before the school closed for break and Covid.”
All images are credited to ©Ellen Denuto Photography.
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