Top 10 Reasons to Advertise in Campus News for the 2023-24 Academic Year...
1. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION -- With the Supreme Court overturning the use of Affirmative Action for college admissions, college advertisers will need to better market to the students Campus News reaches -- first generation, achieving community college students. Our readers are majority minority.
2. GREAT CONTENT -- Campus News has the stories our students like to read -- this means deep engagement, and ads become more trusted and effective.
3. GREAT RATES -- Reach Campus News readers for as little at 3.75 cents per!
4. GOOGLE NEWS -- Campus News has been an active member of Google News for over a decade. We'll push your PR to key constituents for free!
5. ENROLLMENT IS UP -- Most Campus News racks are at SUNY and CUNY community colleges. For the first time since the pandemic, enrollment will be up and active on campus. These readers are looking to transfer to a college like yours.
6. GREAT VISUAL LAYOUT -- For the coming year, Campus News is enlisting more designers, graphic artists and higher-ed cartoonists to make the paper a must-have visual product.
7. FREE BANNER ADS -- The Campus News site is an unsung hero, but we give print advertisers free ads there -- hitting an additional 30,000 viewers a month.
8. IT'S TANGIBLE, PORTABLE AND LONG-LASTING -- Campus News is taken home, passed around, articles and ads are clipped out and pinned up -- try doing that with a 5-second digital ad!
9. DID WE MENTION NEW YORK CITY? -- Campus News created 100 street box locations in prime parts of NYC during the pandemic. Get this bonus circulation free!
10. WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK -- Campus News has a 98% pickup rate and high trust on our campuses. We carefully curate scores of racks to reach the right amount of students in each place. We'll work with you to brand to these students.
So what are you waiting for? Reserve your space now for the coming academic year by emailing, visiting or calling 518-879-0965.
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