Talking with a new pot dispensary licensee

By Darren Johnson
Campus News

Windy Hill C-B-D, run by Holly Harris on Main Street in the Village of Greenwich, in Upstate Washington County, NY, was recently awarded a recreational cannabis license.

“This has been a long process and quite stressful,” she announced on social media, “but we are finally ready to move forward.”

Windy Hill won’t be able to sell recreational cannabis products just yet – getting the license was the first step – but Harris said she will now fervently begin renovations of the building to be compliant with state regulations. The dispensary may open as soon as this fall.

“To say I am beyond ecstatic is an understatement,” she added. “I believe this will bring additional commerce to our village and hopefully make Greenwich a destination.”

Harris envisions “a boutique store where everyone who enters is welcome and feels comfortable.”

“I look forward to bringing this to our village and bringing additional tax revenue to help our community,” she said.

Here is our extended Q&A:

DJ: Congrats on the big news. So you’re going to have a full dispensary?

HH: Yes. Windy Hill will become Windy Hill Wellness. We will continue to offer a full line of Windy Hill CBD products and accessories, plus we will now have a fully operational cannabis dispensary onsite.

DJ: What kind of products can you sell?

HH: We will be able to sell THC products that contain marijuana, not limited to just flower but also edibles and quite possibly beverages.

DJ: What were some of the things the state said in approving your application?

HH: In order to have license approval, a complete background check was done. We also have to have our location within proper distance from schools and churches. Then we needed to make sure that no other locations were in close proximity to ours. New York State had a lengthy application process, which I hired the Firm CanDelta to handle. This way, I knew we had every i dotted and t crossed.

DJ: Will this be the only one in the area? Will it be both your Greenwich and Glens Falls locations?

HH: There is another location that is pending in our town as well and hopefully, they will also have their license very shortly. Our Glens Falls location did not score as high in the states lottery queue but we are hopeful we can also secure a license there as well.

DJ: How will yours compare to the big ones in Massachusetts?

HH: Windy Hill will focus on a very one-on-one personal approach to cannabis. We plan on doing exactly like we do with CBD and educate when needed. We will also offer quick instore pickup where a customer can order ahead. We are really going to grow steadily and have a focus on customer experience rather than volume. We want everyone to feel like they are welcome and not rushed.

DJ: When are you expecting to have a grand opening?

HH: Getting the license is the first step. We have a long road ahead. We are going to start renovations on the building, and I am hopeful we can have an October opening.

DJ: What modifications do you need to make to your location before opening?

HH: We will be increasing security and adding some more solid doors, securing windows. We will be putting in ordering kiosks and retail display cases.

DJ: How will you market the store?

HH: Our store will be Windy Hill Wellness. Windy Hill already has a name, and this will just add to everything we offer.  We will work with New York State on ways to advertise, as this is a tricky area, but word of mouth is also great.

DJ: You’ve been selling similar products for a while so you know how to talk to a lot of different types of clients knowledgeably about picking the right products for their needs. I take it you’ll also offer similar advice for your new products. Tell us why being well versed on what you’re selling is important.

HH: Understanding the effects of THC, whether it be hemp-based on marijuana-based, is crucial. You need to have a solid background and knowledge in what you are selling.  Listening, learning and experimenting are key along with reading. Lots and lots of reading on cannabis products. You need to know the effects, people will rely on your advice and guidance 

DJ: How will you allay the fears of people who may worry about having a full dispensary in town and the added traffic of customers?

HH: My thought on this has been the dispensary will only add to what people come to Greenwich for.  Maybe it will be a destination stop now which will bring people to shop at the various businesses downtown. Our village is growing and when you stroll down main street you will be able to see all we have.  If the dispensary isn’t here, they may never come to Greenwich. 

I think about all the tax revenue this will bring to our village and county. We can certainly use this to help offset some of the increases I see in our budgets. I have a very boutique style shop and I plan on keeping with that theme. 

One of the fears I hear is underage purchases. We will not be allowing ANYONE in the store under 21. We will have a person at the entrance to ID all who enter.  We will have one entrance into the store and an exit on the side for all who leave the dispensary.  Each and every person will be carded upon entering and also upon checkout.  If for any reason we are not comfortable with a person in the store, we will not be selling to them.

Although this is a recreational license my goal is to make this a wellness destination and our focus will remain as such.

DJ: The law also allows for having smoking lounges. Do you plan anything like that?

HH: No, we will not have a lounge.

DJ: So you must be pretty excited about your new place. Anything else you’d like to add?

HH: I am very excited. We have been waiting a long time for this, and now I am excited to see how this will bring commerce to our village. I absolutely love where I live, and this license means that I can help stimulate growth for our village. I had a dream, and now it is becoming a reality. So, yes, I am very excited.


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