“The SUNY Student Assembly is deeply disturbed by the news that President Trump has decided to end the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. DACA has given over 800,000 undocumented Americans the opportunity to come out of the shadows and be embraced by the only country they have ever known.
“This harmful, discriminatory decision will not impede the Student Assembly’s advocacy efforts on behalf of undocumented students. To the contrary, we stand more committed than ever to fighting for these vital members of the SUNY community on the local, state, and federal levels.
“To the undocumented students across the SUNY system who will go to sleep tonight afraid, we have one message: We will fight as hard as we can to ensure that you are afforded the rights entitled to you as Americans. We will double down on our efforts to convert the bipartisan support which has been expressed for dreamers, into a permanent legislative solution for DACA recipients.
“We urge all federal lawmakers to put partisanship aside and act to protect those whose status is now in jeopardy. Let's not allow innocent young people to suffer at the hands of polarized, partisan politics.”
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