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Great Books Forum this spring semester at Westchester

The Great Books Forum offers an opportunity to encounter extraordinary works of classic and modern literature in the company of other interested readers from the college and the community. Led by members of the college’s English Department faculty, discussions are wide-ranging and spirited. Along with the works themselves, dialogues focus on issues of context and interpretation. The events will take place in the Gateway Center, Room 131, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

The theme for Spring 2020 is Novels by the Late Great Toni Morrison.

“The Bluest Eye” will be the focus of a discussion led by Professor Keisha Miles on February 27.

“Sula” will be the focus of a discussion led by Professor Cynthia Robinson on March 26.

“Song of Solomon” will be the focus of a discussion led by Professor Renee Baron on April 30.

Participation is free and open to the public. No reservations necessary. The Great Books Forum is sponsored by the English Department and is underwritten by the Cultural Arts Fund of the Faculty Student Association. For information, email Professor James Werner at james.werner@sunywcc.edu.

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ulster late start classes