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Two at C-GCC win Chancellor’s Awards

One faculty and one staff-member at Columbia-Greene Community College have been awarded Chancellor’s Awards by the State University of New York (SUNY) for the year 2020.

Professor of Biological Sciences Dawn Holsapple of Hudson, and Robbin Wase of Catskill, administrative assistant for the Division of Nursing (pictured, L-R), received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Classified Service, respectively.

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C-GCC President Carlee Drummer, Ph.D., lauded Holsapple’s and Wase's achievements, noting that to be nominated, a faculty member must demonstrate consistently superior service that includes contributions to academic and professional organizations and leadership in local or system-wide faculty governance. Similarly, the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in the Classified Service is awarded to individuals who continuously demonstrate outstanding achievement, skill, and commitment to excellence in fulfilling the job description for the position held, and within activities beyond the scope of the job description.

“The Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Excellence in Classified Service recognize SUNY employees who consistently demonstrate superlative performance in their positions,” she said. “Dawn Holsapple’s and Robbin Wase’s commitment and dedication, not only to students but also to the College, is a source of great pride and inspiration for us all.”

According to the SUNY website, the university system publicly proclaims its pride in the accomplishment and personal dedication of its instructional faculty, librarians and professional staff across its campuses through the Chancellor's Awards for Excellence.

For more information or a complete list of SUNY’s 2020 Chancellor Award winners, visit SUNY.edu.

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