Above: Drawing by Kailey Gerard.
Rockland Community College invites the public to view the exceptional work of its Art students at the Drawing II Spring 2018 Semester Exhibition. The exhibit highlights the drawings of students from the capstone class in the AS Fine Arts degree at RCC.
The drawings are being displayed in the Student Art Gallery on the second floor of the College's Cultural Arts Center until November 15, according to the following schedule:
Hours: Tuesdays, 1 – 5 pm, Thursdays, 12:45 – 1:30 pm, Fridays, 9 am – 5 pm and by appointment.
The Drawing II course allows students to work exclusively on human-figure drawing with an emphasis on exploring individual direction, different materials and drawing styles. Group critiques served to sharpen each student's work.
“In most classes some students shine a little brighter than others. Not in this class, not with these students,” said Art Professor Don Iannucci. “There is a saying, 'A rising tide lifts all boats.' Week after week the work got better and better for everyone. As a result, the entire class became a workshop in excellence in both exploration and skill. As an instructor, my job was to tread lightly and encourage this most excellent class to follow their own leads.”
For more information, contact RCC Art at 845-574-4268.
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