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Women’s History Month at RCC

Rockland Community College marks Women's History Month with a stimulating array of presentations throughout March, accenting women's contributions, achievements and significant roles in shaping American culture and society. The events are free and open to the public.

In addition to lectures by experienced RCC faculty, the lineup includes discussions by an internationally known artist and author that bookend the presentations at the beginning and end of the month. Photographer Joan Lobis Brown kicks off the program on March 1 with a talk on her portraiture series, “Women of an Uncertain Age: Indomitable Baby Boomers Challenging Cultural Norms,” which will be exhibited throughout the month in RCC's Technology Center. Author Helen Rothberg closes out the month-long celebration on March 28 with a discussion of her engaging book, “The Perfect Mix: Everything I Learned About Leadership I Learned as a Bartender.”

“We wanted to start it off with a boom and end with a boom,” said Eileen MacAvery Kane, Chair of RCC's Art Department and co-chair of the WHM program with Natasha Lubarsky, Instructor of Business/Economics. “We had no problem finding women to celebrate. Women's leadership skills are being recognized in politics and other fields, and the Women's History Month activities echo that sentiment. We're happy to bring this exciting program to RCC for people to enjoy and become inspired by the activities of these strong women.”

The program includes a screening of “RBG,” the critically acclaimed documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and a book discussion of her collection of writings and speeches, “My Own Words.” Noted psychologist/feminist Mamie Clark is also showcased; her pioneering research led to the discovery of Racial Dissonance and the role it played in the landmark Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education.

A student exhibit on Body Image will be displayed throughout March in the Student Union, second floor.

See all of the events by clicking on the flier below:

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ulster late start classes