St. Thomas Aquinas College is partnering with Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University to host Earth Day Fair to promote awareness of environmental issues and sustainability solutions on Monday, April 22nd, 2019 in the Romano Student Alumni Center from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

This event unites students, scientists, and educators to promote sustainability in both our community and the entire planet featuring many hands-on activities and learning opportunities involving engineering and innovation, zoology and conservation, environmental investigations within Rockland County, and more. The Fair will feature a host of “critters” and a walk in nature guided by renowned Rockland County forager, Paul Tappenden from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Be sure to wear long pants, socks and a good pair of closed walking shoes!
Dr. Bianca Wentzell, Assistant Professor of Biology stated, “Earth Day should be a time for reflection and learning, not just for formal students, but also for members of our community. We should all take the time to reflect on our role as living beings on this planet and think about whether we have become complacent. We hope that our Earth Day event will encourage everyone to examine their roles, understand our impact on the environment, and also learn about ways to improve our relationship with the planet.”
This Fair is a unique way for participants to learn about the research and discoveries within the observatory and St. Thomas Aquinas College related to earth and environmental sciences. Dr. Paul Dent, Assistant Professor of Chemistry added, “As we learn more about our environment, we realize the balance that keeps our home healthy. Earth Day is an opportunity for us to come together as citizens of this Earth to talk about sustainability and how each individual can contribute. Between St. Thomas Aquinas College and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, we bring together many diverse subject areas to work together toward education and empowerment around environmental issues.”
For more information regarding the event, contact Dr. Bianca Wentzell at
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