Via a press release issued today:
In accordance with a negotiated agreement dated May 24, 2019, the College’s Board of Trustees has officially accepted the voluntary resignation of Dr. Shaun L. McKay as President of Suffolk County Community College.
Theresa Sanders, Board Chair stated, “On behalf of the full Board of Trustees, I have shared with the college community that there were no findings of wrongdoing, incapacity, or misconduct on the part of Dr. McKay during his tenure as President, and that we wish Dr. McKay well, as he begins his pursuit of new opportunities.”
Within the next few weeks, the College's Trustees will take action to chart a course to find the next President of Suffolk County Community College. This will include steps to issue a Request for Proposals seeking professional services that will support the College’s search committee in its charge to design, plan and manage a national presidential search effort. It is anticipated that the presidential search committee will include a cross-section of members from the College, SUNY, and external community organizations.
Ms. Sanders went on to say, “I am sure the college community and the residents of Suffolk County, will share the Board's sense of purpose as we begin to transition the institution toward the selection of its seventh president.”
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