Ways Upstate New York beats Downstate

Pictured: A steamboat on Lake George.

By Yesenia Coello
Campus News

Upstate New York versus Downstate New York. In a debate like this, the winner is a no-brainer. The New York City Metropolitan Area surpasses its northern counterpart (as well as virtually every other metropolis in the world) when it comes to entertainment, business, and sheer clout. Still, there are things we Upstaters are proud of, despite our current backlog of problems. My fellow Upstaters, even if we don’t reside in a place that doesn’t have the same level of influence as New York City, there are things that we undoubtedly do better than the Big Apple. I know, there are probably some cynical readers who are guffawing at this notion, but trust me on this one. We’re more than just a rust belt filled with hillbillies.

Nature in Upstate New York is in a unique niche of its own. Not only do the Catskill Mountains exist a safe proximity outside of New York City, but the Adirondack Park essentially encompasses the entirety of northeastern New York. Both areas are home to picturesque mountains (perfect for hiking!) and campgrounds that can serve as the perfect summer getaway. Are rugged mountains not your thing? Well, there are bountiful lakes scattered throughout the western and northern parts of the state that are ideal weekend havens surrounded by pristine and undisturbed fauna. My personal favorites include Lewey Lake in Hamilton County and Cranberry Lake in St. Lawrence County.

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Anyone who’s lived in Upstate New York during the demoralizing months between November and March knows how brutal the winters up here can get. That said, it is possible to find joy in the season. Did you know that the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics were hosted in Lake Placid? And rightfully so, given the cold conditions. This, in tandem with the aforementioned nature, transforms some pockets of Upstate New York into winter wonderlands that serve as paradises for winter sports enthusiasts to break out their skis and snowboards. Unrelated, but there’s a hamlet called North Pole which is home to, you guessed it, Santa Claus and his workshop!

Thankfully, most people know that Upstate New York autumns are some of the most gorgeous in the country. Tourists from various parts of the Northeast travel to Upstate New York and neighboring New England to behold the blending seas of fire-colored leaves before they descend to the earth below. And once you’ve seen enough, you can go to the local farm or apple orchard to handpick fresh apples and pumpkins. Oh, and don’t forget to fill up on apple cider and cider donuts; those treats are the holy grail of Upstate cuisine.

The Food
Okay, this is a delicate subject since the New York City area has some of the best food in the world, but even Upstate New York has a few goodies of its own. Buffalo is the home of the chicken wing, Rochester has its garbage plates, and eastern Upstaters have Stewart’s. I can’t speak on behalf of Buffalo or Rochester, but I can say without a doubt that Stewart’s has the best ice cream and hot dogs I’ve ever had. And I’ve tried hot dogs in Manhattan. They just don’t stack up to the 2 for $3 greatness of Stewart’s Deli Dogs. Plus unlimited fixings? Sign me up.

Being Average
Did you know that Albany was ranked an “All-American City” in 1991 and 2009? Which essentially boils down to Albany having the most American or “average” populace compared to other cities throughout the country. Compared to the bustle and diversity seen in New York City, the Upstate region is innocent in comparison. And you know what? That’s totally fine. It’s this easygoing nature that attracts people to our part of the state. Anyone who wants to tour NBC Studios or shop on Fifth Avenue is more than welcomed to do so. However, for those who are looking for a change of pace, Upstate New York might just be the place to check out. Does it get boring here? Of course. Would I change anything about it? Probably. But I don’t think turning the entire state into a New York City knock-off is high on my list of priorities.

Yesenia Coello is editing the Upstate edition of Campus News. Contact her at upstate@cccn.us to get involved.

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