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MVCC board is honored by PTK

The Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees was selected by the Phi Theta Kappa international honor society for two-year colleges to receive the Hallmark Board of Trustees Award for its continuous support of overall student success. The award was presented at the recent Association of Community College Trustees’ Annual Leadership Congress in Las Vegas.

The MVCC Board of Trustees was honored for its active support of the Lambda Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Board members are actively engaged and supportive with chapter events: they attend induction ceremonies, support the chapter’s College Completion Day, fund travel for the chapter to attend conferences and events, advocate for recognition of award-winning chapter members, and assist students and graduates with networking and job searches.
“We are very proud of the ways the MVCC Board of Trustees has embraced PTK chapter activities, applauded chapter awards, and recognized chapter members,” the chapter wrote in its nomination form. “At multiple events — induction ceremonies, scholarship awards dinner, and honors brunch — Board members make a point of meeting the student awardees and speaking with them. We have even heard of times where they offered assistance with networking or their career search. All these things are so meaningful to the students!”
“To be selected in this inaugural class of recipients from the more than 1,200 colleges with PTK chapters makes this extra special for our Board,” said Board Chair William S. Calli, Jr. “The support for our PTK Chapter extends well beyond the Board, and it is this group support — of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Advisors and, of course, our students — that has allowed our chapter to achieve its Five Star rating for seven consecutive years. We look forward to striving for this level of excellence for many years to come.”
MVCC President Randall J. VanWagoner added, “The MVCC Board of Trustees is unwavering in its commitment to student success, and this award is very well deserved.”
Made up of Oneida County residents who are either active or retired professionals, MVCC’s Board of Trustees is designed to maintain the continuity of the institution and strive for continuous improvement. One MVCC student also sits on the Board, giving added perspective and helping the Board remain student focused. Its members are: William S. Calli, Jr., chair; Camille Kahler, vice chair; Elaine Falvo; David Mathis; John B. Stetson; Frank Dubeck, Jr.; Anthony J. Colon; Mary Malone McCarthy; and Dylan Bennett, student trustee.

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